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Spiritual Life Coaching

Learn to integrate the ancient philosophies of Spirituality with our modern way of life - this is a journey to Wholeness!

"I love my Monday mornings with you. Such a great start to the week!"

- HC, Online Coaching

There is no doubt that we are all spiritual beings, but unfortunately this modern day society has suppressed this in the majority of people. When you are aligned with your true self, empowered and spiritually connected, you will live a more fulfilled life, full of abundance, gratitude and joy. You will wake up each day with a sense of freedom and purpose.


Spiritual Life Coaching could be for you if:


  • You feel disconnected from your inner self and powerless

  • You are consumed with negative thoughts and stressful feelings

  • You feel lost, dissatisfied or unfulfilled in your everyday life

  • You have recently had an awakening and you're in need of some extra guidance

  • You are drawn to meditation practices and mindfulness but can't seem to get into it

  • You have an unshakable feeling that there's more to life than you're experiencing

  • You are searching for your soul's 'purpose'


Are You Ready for An 8 Week Transformational 1-1 Course?


Each and every person is unique and there isn't a 'one-size-fits all' approach to Rebecca's style of coaching. With a structured plan and expert guidance, you are far more likely to make positive changes and see/feel results in your everyday life. Do you know that all the answers you need are within you? You have your own inner guide, and Spiritual Life Coaching will help you to connect with this and unleash its wisdom. Once you connect to your true nature, exciting things will start to happen!


When your spiritual self is neglected, you are more likely struggle to reach and maintain a sense of purpose and wellbeing. It can also impact your health; particularly your emotional health. When you are awakened, 'tuned in' and thriving, this will impact the other areas of your life in a positive way and make you feel happier, healthier and more deserving of your own energy and time.


With a wealth of personal and professional experience and over a decade of studies within the field of holistic health and spiritual development, Rebecca is here to help you! Rebecca has led by example for many years in her field of expertise and she is passionate about helping others to lead happier and healthier lives.  Rebecca lives and breathes her soul's purpose and is a trusted Coach and Therapist for many repeat clients, who always get extra little tips and teachings.


Rebecca can advise and guide you on your individual spiritual path to help you get to know (and show!) your authentic, whole self and live a life with more meaning and a deep sense of connection and purpose. She will help you to identify areas of your everyday life that need more attention, then work with you to plan realistic and practical ways for you to live a life aligned with, and deeply connected to, your spiritual self. In turn, this is likely to lead to an improvement in your overall health and wellbeing due to the holistic nature of your being; mind, body and spirit. Rebecca will be there for you in between sessions too, for guidance and support.




"I am now managing work-based stress and other stressors in a positive way. I embrace my spirituality and I'm on an authentic journey where I consciously live in the moment.


The cynic is no more. I am now more engaged, attuned and authentic, and embarked on a Counselling Diploma programme with a view to channelling my knowledge to support others in achieving positive mental health, spiritual awareness and bodily wellbeing." - Jon H, 57


Are you ready to go deeper on the journey of self-discovery? Spiritual Life Coaching will help you to move forward into a place of peace, abundance, authenticity, and most of all... joy! Click the button below to find out more. Spaces are very limited as this is specialised work that requires quality time investment and commitment from Rebecca. 



Let’s Work Together

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